Monday, December 29, 2014
Pacman Rug
Here's the deal, I'm working the Ten Stitch Twist with a whole bunch of handspun longwools that I had in my stash, along with spinning a bunch of my friends wool for it. So my basement is really cold and has tile floors, so it needs a nice squishy wool rug for the floor. I have a fairly large stash of course(ish) longwools, some already spun, some still as fiber, but I figured this would be a good project for them.
The plan is to work up a reasonable amount and then throw it down and use it while I spin more yarn. The fact that it only has 10 working stitches was a big draw. I was thinking about crocheting a rug, but I'm not very good, and I didn't feel like learning a whole new craft for one project, though I'm sure it'll happen some day.
I'm not sure if this rug will ever get "finished." The room it's planned for is, I think, about 12 feet wide, so I certainly have plenty of room to work with. I do want it to be a rather large rug, but mostly it's just a home for all my courser handspun yarn. We'll see how it goes.
Thursday, December 25, 2014
Merry many things done!
Here's a bit of the play by play in the Everything is Ducky Convertible Mitts. I knit them in a natural merino yarn, and then dyed them to look like ducks. I just had to add in some button eyes and it all went swimmingly!
Here's Alcazar all finished. It's been a process, but it's done now. The new owner is a lovely girl who really seemed to appreciate the effort that went into it. It's good to have that one off my to-do list!
Here's a nice hat that I threw together in literally 2 days. The Everything is Ducky Mitts and Alcazar were for the oldest and youngest daughter of some family friends, so of course the middle daughter had to get something as well. Here mom said she was into the slouchy hats, so I grabbed a bunch of yarns I had around, including that Triple Berry Jam Thick 'n Thin hand-spun from the 2014 Tour de Fleece and knocked it out.
Now I am in that great in between place, where I'm not sick of knitting, I have plenty of WIP's to work on, and the next "deadline" I have is the end of July for next year's fair and then my brother-in-law's wedding in September.
I ordered yarn for an afghan for the wedding, but it's on back order, so I still have a while to get some other things done before that starts. Any suggestions on what I should work on next, a scarf for the DH, the Red Riding Hood cape for the tiny one, a hat for myself? Let me know if you have any thoughts.
Monday, September 29, 2014
I'm not sure how it is really going to turn out; I'm not sure this girl knows how/where to take measurements. She gave me hers, and they were very similar to mine... she's a size 2 and I'm an 8. But I am knitting according to the measurements she gave me. Worst Case Scenario: I have to keep this one and try a smaller size for her, oh darn.
The body is actually quite easy. It's top-down with saddle shoulders, and then knit-in-the-round. Appropriate decreases and increases, but pretty basic.
Then you get to the flounce. It's not HARD, but 8 row cable repeat on top of a 12 row, short row dart repeat with the short row darts between the 6th and 7th row that is being joined to the bind-off of the sweater body. Not something you can knit in your sleep.
I was reading the pattern with my knitting group last night, and while I got many supportive groans and eye rolls, one even suggested that I stop knitting the pattern...
Well it took a few minutes, some math, and a bit of paper, but I think I got it figured out. But still, not for knitting in your sleep.
Anyway, according to revelry, I think I've been working on this about 6 weeks, and I'm certainly making progress, but I keep finding little bits of time, and instead of knitting on this, I cast-on new projects, because that is really what I need right now.
We'll see how much longer it takes to finish this, since I start teaching science and math after school programs this week, so time is going to get even tighter... and I only have this and two other projects to get done by Christmas, though one is already started. But yeah, certainly don't have way too much on my plate these days.
Oh, also, I have plans to clean my Prelude, because.... it's 1! Yay, it's been about a year since I got my wheel, and oh my, the amount of yarn that has been made, but between yarn coming from animals, oil, and just life, it is time to give it a wipe down.
The DH helped me get some wood cleaner specifically for woods treated with tung oil, so we'll see how all that goes. In the meantime, thanks to the good folks at Paradise Fibers, my stash will be ever increasing, and I will try to do a better job of posting about the great new fibers I'm getting!
Wednesday, September 17, 2014
Fiber Club Win
So now I remember why I didn't really knit while I was working full time. I'm still knitting and spinning, but between working 4 jobs that I get paid for, plus homeschooling Tiny, keeping up the house, and being the new librarian at church, finding time to post has been difficult.
But, I got a new shipment from the PF Fiber Club a week or so ago, and I was in love. I was also sent some natural mohair and shetland, but this dyed merino was so amazing I had to get more.
It's by Becoming Art, who is apparently a local to PF indie dyer who has become their in house dyer. Yay for all of us, these colors are awesome!
This colorway is called Time, Time and is reported to be one in a line of Alice in Wonderland inspired colors (is it just me or are Alice and her friends popping up all over lately?).
This is the first time I've actually bought anything that was featured in the Fiber Club, though I certainly have plans to do so in the future. This color was just too amazing to get stuck with just 4 ounces, I needed more because I knew I was going to want something big out of it.
The plans for now are to fractal it in a sock/fingering weight and tackle another shawl from Malabrigo Book 4. It's going to be a while before all of that gets done, but now I have what I need to do it!
Thursday, August 28, 2014
Hodge Podge Spinning
Bobbin 1
100% alpaca that I dyed myself... and kind of felted. Yeah, it's not so fun to spin, though not terrible if I fluff it out before I start for the day. Hopefully will end up in the Celestarium shawl one day. Need to be a bit darker first.
Bobbin 2
Alpaca/Merino blend, all natural and hard to see the differences. It's a roughly 66/33 split, but I'm blending them myself, by holding strips of each together. We'll see how it goes, hopefully pretty well, though it is kind of a pain to try to keep both kinds of fiber in all parts of the yarn.
Bobbin 3
Milk protein top and silk cloud. I had small amounts of each of these and found that they were both difficult to spin on their own, so of course the solution is to spin them together.
There's really nothing to see at this point, but I'm venturing into blending on my own. I'm sure there are better ways to blend top, but this is how I'm doing it for now.
Monday, August 25, 2014
Adventures with a Ball Winder
A friend of mine let me borrow his ball wonder the other week. Wow, it was so great! I caked all my handspun and a few commercial yarns as well. It was so quick and easy, though it was a bit loud.
I guess the next step is to try the method I saw on Pinterest where you wrap it with a stand mixer. I keep putting it off for some reason. Apparently it's very quick, but I can't seem to feel that it wouldn't really help the noise factor.
Thursday, August 21, 2014
Braid Dying
I washed it, let it dry- while still in the braid. After it was dried I pulled out the braid and decided that there was more white than I wanted. So I braided it again, which left different sections exposed, as you can see below.
It went back into the crock pot, washed, dried, and spun into this!
Monday, August 18, 2014
100th post and news from the Fair!
Gotland- 2 ply- from Tour de Fleece
First place in novice 100% wool 2 ply
I was very happy about this, as this was my first skein to hang straight directly off the niddy noddy. The judge also made some nice comments about the consistency of the ply, so yay!
Dyed BFL- 2 ply- Spun in January or February
Second in novice 100% wool 2 ply
Since these first two skeins were spun so far apart, it's nice to see that the latter really was better. This skein, along with three others is marked for a shawl from the Malabrigo Book 4. That also means I get to enter the shawl next year in a special category called "Second Time Around." I hope it'll work out, I might have some issues with the gauge...
That lovely alpaca sweater from my handspun alpaca!
First place in novice large wearable items
This is where I got to show that I really was a novice, to the fair at least. Apparently when you spin the yarn and then enter the project, the judges like to know that you spun the yarn and didn't buy it. I probably could have gotten bonus points if I had said this was my first "real sweater", but I didn't (I guess that's not fair, I did knit a little sweater for Tiny when she was like 3, but for some reason I never count that as a sweater...).
Tapiz Mitts- Malabrigo Silky Merino- 4 color Fair Isle
First Place novice small wearable item
Started the first one right after the alpaca sweater in like February, and finished the second one less than a month ago, but they made it. The judges liked my color choices, and there weren't many other color work items, so that will have to be something to keep in mind for future fairs.
Tuesday, July 29, 2014
Finishng up TdF2014!
Wednesday, July 23, 2014
Catching Up
Wednesday, July 9, 2014
Day 5, Long Draw
Ashland Bay Merino Top "Rose Quartz" |
I started on the merino last night after the euphoria of the chunky Targhee, and it's not going badly, or even terribly slowly, but we are leaving town on Friday morning and I have been busy with prepping for that. Hopefully I can finish the first two ounces of the Merino tonight.
I'm also working on dying some other alpaca too. I'll let you know how that comes out another day. Right now it's time to keep packing...
Tuesday, July 8, 2014
Day 4 Chunky Yarn
Before |
After |
The Targhee was very fluffy and a bit sticky, but it was great and I would love to spin more of it!
Anyway, it's been a while, well not really, but I felt like I needed to update the Progress chart.
Day 3 10:30 finish
Here's the finished skein. I love it so much! I can't wait to wash it and see how it finishes. I went a bit slower on the second set of singles to see if I could get fewer coils and then really worked on keeping coils out during the plying and in the end it just hung stick straight when I took it off the niddy noddy! Another first, yay TDF!
I'm not sure what I'm going to do with it. There isn't a ton of yardage, but I am so happy with it that it might end up being one of those yarns that gets hung on the wall.
The Gotland was fun, but interesting. It was very sleek and smooth in the singles, but then when plying the other direction, things got a bit rougher, again we'll have to see how it washes.
Overall, I am thrilled with this yarn. It's definitely going to the fair!
Now to start in on attempts at thicker yarn with that great Targhee...
Sunday, July 6, 2014
Day 2, 2 Skeins
The picture is a bit bigger than usual to ensure that the color shows. This was very vibrant fiber, but it contained strips of color running the length of the fiber, and it was VERY difficult to keep any of the colors separated, in addition to the white silk running through. I think I did better on the bottom skein.
I had planned on chain plying this, but I think I am going to stash it for a while and combine it with some other darker merino/silk blends I have for a very soft, if a bit scrappy, shawl at some point in the future.
This is what I was planning on combining it with. I got it at that fiber festival last year. It is spun, but apparently I don't have any finished photos of the yarn.
Saturday, July 5, 2014
Day 1, Skein 1
It's the Wild Berry from Louet. I got it from the Paradise Fiber Fiber Club in April I think. I did this in Thick 'n Thin, it was interesting, but it did take a bit longer having to stop my wheel and "bite" more fibers for the thick sections. It's probably something I would get more used to as I did it more.
Yay; happy me! I am going to have to update the charts, but as I still have several hours left in the day, I think I hold off until later.
Friday, July 4, 2014
Pre-Tour Nerdiness

Tour De Fleece Day -1 |
Thursday, July 3, 2014
Yay, my swift is here! It actually came last Wednesday, but the whole basement thing kinda kept me off the computer.
Here it is all put together with it's own bag. I don't plan to carry the swift around much, but it's always nice to have another project bag.
It's a very nice swift. It moves well, Tiny can use it without any problem. I may let her skein up a few acrylic balls just for the fun of it. Of course it also works very well to make balls from skeins. Maybe one of these days I'll get a ball wonder too....
One of the things I really like is that the end pegs are adjustable. I may even mark a 2 yard skein or something and skip the Niddy Noddy on some of my spinning projects. It's just a thought, we'll see how that turns out.
That's about it for now. The plan for now is to get everything set for the TDF to start on the 5th! Part of the Tour on Revelry is to post daily updates online about progress. Not sure if I want to do daily posts here too, or just end up with some longer posts for a few weeks, I guess we'll see what kind of time Tiny leaves me with.
Monday, June 30, 2014
So, as I am not rational, I did decide to rearrange the basement, and I consolidated all my crafting stuff. I realize this is more applicable to the quilting/sewing world, but I moved my stash and wheel down here so it counts too.
I still have some final cleaning to do... and painting, but that is another story, but here is the general layout of the crafting space.
The whole project started because I wanted to condense the space our homeschooling was taking place in, so that is on one side of the basement, and my crafts and Tiny's toys are on the other. Of course the maps still need to be moved, but that's for another day as well.
It is a bit tight, but as my lovely wheel only weighs 9 labs, it is very easy to move to some of the more open space when I want to spin, which I did a bit of down here last night.
Just as a funny aside, you see those three storage totes under the table... that's my fiber/yarn stash, well about 95% of it. My husband thinks I have too much. Of course I do still have four bags of fleeces...
Monday, June 23, 2014
The Swift is on Its Way
Not a whole lot else going on these days. Despite the gap in mitts, I've still got "second mitt syndrome." Maybe I should start a graph for that project too.
Anyway, until Thursday, here is a video about my new swift.
Thursday, June 19, 2014
Fleece Time Again
![]() |
Before skirting |
Monday, June 16, 2014
Tapiz Mitts
Thursday, June 12, 2014
My Poor Wheel is Neglected No Longer!
So now I get to wait until after the fair to start knitting it. So that will take a while. But it's nice to have the yarn done.
Then I spun up the white, pink, and purple merino. I was in a spinning groove and just decided to keep going.
Here is my daughter's first wool yarn... no wait, I made her some orange Longwood yarn last winter and made those mittens. Oh well. This is a merino/silk blend with SPARKLES!!!! Very exciting when you're 5. It looks really nice and mixed in the skein, but it'll make an interesting scarf for her. It'll be white on one side and pink/purple on the other. The little one wants a Hello Kitty scarf out of it. Not entirely sure how that is going to work, unless the colors are enough for her. We'll see.
I guess I need to put my wheel off to the side for a while now and save my fiber for the TDF!