Thursday, November 7, 2013


We got into our new house last Tuesday. The movers emptied the boxes wherever  there was space. I have been spending the bulk of my time sorting through all of our things to see what we do and don't need, putting things away, and reorganizing the things we are keeping (for the record, the DH has sold a spare mattress box springs set, a spare set of snow tires from a car we traded in two years ago, various baby things, various kitchen things, replaced a broken toilet seat, put up some curtains, attempted to hang a shelf - he would be done with that, but one of the bracket screws overlapped with a screw in the stud so he has so fiddling to do there, and went back to work on Monday). Not to mention taking care of the little one. Needless to say that there has not been much time or energy for knitting, and (tear) my wheel is still in its box from the move.

I have been able to start a new pair of socks. These are for me this time, imagine that. I had gotten some Patons Stretch Sock a long time ago, but it was packed in Virginia and came out in New York, so now that I have it, and know how to knit socks, I'm working on a pair.

And I did make it to one of the two LYS's here in the Capital Area, Trumpet Hill. Wow! It's a tiny, but it has some great things and GREAT prices. I got 4 ounces of locally grown and dyed fiber for $9, can you believe that! And it wasn't even the least expensive fiber there, though the other fiber was much courser and I still have plenty of Cotswald and Jacob left to knit.

I did make it through the beautifully dyed wool/tencel blend from the fiber festival before we moved, so those updates will be coming soon. And I do intend to check out the other LYS soon. Hopefully I will have more to say next week, and more time to say it...

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