So back in July or so, I took a class at my Virginia LYS. We made the Taracea hat from Malabrigo Book 4. I used the Rios in Pearl Ten, Natural, and Bobby Blue. I made the hat, and all was good.
As is the way of Fair Isle, I found that once I had finished the hat, I wanted to see what the pattern would look like with a different arrangement of the colors, hence the bag.
I started the bag from the bottom, working from the center out, on dpns. I got to 144 stitches and started working in the pattern.
I got about half way through the pattern and realized that while the hat was a bit big for my head, it was not really big enough for a whole bag. So I headed to Google, or Pinterest, I can't remember which, and found a Fair Isle pattern that would work over a multiple of 12 stitches. This swirl that I found is actually over 24, but that just meant I have 6 of them instead of twelve like the other big repeats in the pattern.
It's really a great bag. I took one of the simpler pattern rows and added some yarn overs and k2tog's to create eyelets to thread a drawstring through. Then I needed a drawstring, so I took a length of each yarn and spun them together with my giant spindle and then let the new string ply back on itself making a 6 ply, er... 24 ply if you count the original 4 plies (Is that how you spell it? Many years of French and ballet make that look like a certain knee bending move to me...) of each yarn.
Well that is the story of my sort of improvised bag. You can compare colors with the hat pictures I have in previous posts, but I do like the addition of the swirl. I've been using it as a project bag for a few months, yes I did finish it in 2013, I just never wrote about it. I've been getting quite a few compliments on it.
I don't know if it's just the knitting/crafting community and the unspoken rule that you compliment any finished project to help congratulate the knitter on a finished project or just to admire the effort that went into it, but I get so many more compliments on my knitting and quilting than I have on many other achievements or abilities in my life.
I guess that just proves that crafters are the best!
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