Monday, April 7, 2014


It's been a week. My Mom came to visit, and I didn't get much done, but here are some updates.

I have finished the Yellow/Black Hufflepuff scarf.
I have started Slytherin. I'm using much finer yarn (worsted instead of chunky), so it's going much slower...
I have started the Little Red cape. So far it's going pretty well. I have been unable to achieve different cables in specific sections. It was just too much to keep track of. I have been doing (I think) a nice job of increasing and putting in the cables. So far it is a nonagon (9 sides), with a flower in the center and cables coming out. Hopefully it will end up looking something like a flower growing out of twisting and interlocking vines, or at least I can pretend it does. At the moment I am working on 9 4-stitch cables that travel around the shawl. We'll see how it works, it's only about 30 rows so far, but I am really loving the Hometown USA, and the Tampa Spice is looking gorgeous.

I have run into a crucial road block with the Tapiz mittens. I am conflicted about whether or not I should finish them as mittens or just wrist warmers. As one of the ladies in my knitting group noted, it's not really the time of year for mittens anymore, and I could always use more items to help keep me warm while reading, knitting, or basically anytime in Spring or Fall. It seems like a no brainer right?  Just make them wrist warmers... But I am really liking the look of them and have been doing what I think is a very nice job with the color work, and I was thinking of entering them into a fiber festival in the summer/fall. I was going to enter them as a color work piece not specifically mittens, but I've never done something like that before, and I don't know if there will be an issue if I don't follow the pattern exactly (I hope not since they are already the wrong gauge as I used size 1 needles instead of size 2s...). If anyone out there has any thoughts or experience with festivals, I'd love your input on this one!

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