Thursday, May 8, 2014

Fiber Club!

This Slytherin scarf is sucking out my will to live knit, spin, or do anything fiber related. Fortunately, I have found a little pick me up: I joined a fiber club! Paradise Fibers has a lovely fiber club, and I just got my first package. It contained 4 ounces of dyed merino/silk, 4 ounces of dyed mixed wool, and 3 ounces of undyed baby alpaca.

The merino/silk is going to be interesting as it plies since it currently looks like my 5 year old's crayon bin, the kind where all the crayons are just thrown together. It's got some really pretty colors, but they are all over the place and there sure are a lot of them.

The dyed  wool is beautifully dyed in shades on pinks, reds, and purples. It's pretty fine top as it is, so I'm planning on just spinning it in one long single and then chain plying it, or maybe even leaving it as a single. I wanted to try to get something a bit thicker, so we'll see. Chain plying will certainly be thicker, but I would like enough yardage to do something with it, and I want thicker singles and don't want to end up with massively thick yarn. I guess it's a decision I will have to make later.

The baby alpaca is, well, baby alpaca. It isn't quite soft enough to not know when you're touching it, but it's pretty close (yes I have felt something that was that soft... it was a rabbit). Actually upon further examination, the loose ends are soft enough to fool the nerve endings at the tips of my fingers. Not sure what is in store for this, maybe some wrist warmers...

Whatever gets made with these, one thing is clear. That scarf needs to get finished, so I can finish spinning what is currently on my wheel, so I can start these!

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