Sunday, December 15, 2013

So I guess I get to try steeking?

On Friday nights I go to a local Starbucks and knit with a group of great people. It's fun and we hang out for 3+ hours and some knit, some spin, and a few even crochet. So I have been working on my daughter's mittens there, and last night I finished the body. I still have to do the thumbs, but the main part is done. So I was binding off as everyone was packing up, and turning then right side out (I knit them inside out, but I'll get to that in a bit) and realized that one thumb hole is on the wrong side...that's what I get for knitting without a pattern right?

So the way I see it, I have a few options:
  1. I could rip out and knit again, it's really only about 4 inches
  2. I could knit another mitten and use the one with the wrong thumb for some sort of Christmas decoration, like an ornament or something
  3. I could sew up the thumb hole I currently have and steek another one on the correct side
 Well, it's the 14th. I still have a couple to several feet left on my husband's Christmas scarf. I have other things I want to knit. I "like" learning new things...right?

So I guess that means I'm going to give steeking a go...wish me luck!

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