Thursday, November 28, 2013

A Fiber Themed Thanksgiving

Despite what may or may not have happened back in Plymouth at the "First Thanksgiving," it's always good to take some time to be thankful for the good things in your life, because chances are very high that if you are reading this, things could be a whole lot worse for you right now.
In keeping with the theme of this blog, I'm going to focus on the fiber related things I am thankful for, but know this real list is much longer.
  1. My family, whether my husband and daughter who give me time to spin, knit, shop, or stalk projects on Ravelry, they are great enablers and supports of my hobby. Maybe someday soon my daughter's fine motor control and attention span will develop to the point where I can actually teach her some fiber crafts. I can't forget my parents and In-Laws who are certainly enablers as they give gifts of fiber, yarn, notions, or money ear-marked for other items (like my wheel- Thanks Mom!), and then just as happily receive my gifts of (sometimes clumsily) handmade items.
  2. Books, in a time when they are cheap, readily available and cover topics that would filled a passport if you had to research yourself.
  3. The Internet, again taking vast quantities of information from all over the world, and making it available to you in your pajamas. There is hardly a topic that you can't find a blog post, article, or video about. It has certainly helped the learning curve. It also gives you access to just about any item you could think to want, fiber, yarn, notions, or patterns (Ravelry).
  4. LYS, despite the easy and comfort of the Internet, there is something to right about going to a shop and seeing all that fiber in person. The wonderful ladies (usually, though I've been in a few shops where men take charge) are always so friendly to everyone who walks in the door. They are so eager to help you find the right item for your next project, or just let you browse and be calmed by the visual and textile stimulation around you.
  5. Knitting groups, it's always good to have a close group of friends, but there is just something about knitting friends. You always have something safe to discuss in the beginning, and then form tungsten level attachments as you watch and comfort each other after ripping out those 10 rows for the umpteenth time.
  6. Sheep, and all fiber producing animals, we couldn't do what we do without you. Well, we could, but who wants to spend a life working with acrylics when there is alpaca in the world?
I know there is a whole host of other things to be thankful for, but these are the biggies, and all lists have to end eventually.
Have a wonderful Thanksgiving, and no matter where you are, or what your situation, take some time to think about the things in your life you are thankful for.

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