Monday, June 30, 2014


I've been a bit busy this week. My husband went out of town for work, so of course the rational thing to do while I have the 5 year old to myself for 4 days would be to rearrange the basement... right, who needs logic?

So, as I am not rational, I did decide to rearrange the basement, and I consolidated all my crafting stuff. I realize this is more applicable to the quilting/sewing world, but I moved my stash and wheel down here so it counts too.

I still have some final cleaning to do... and painting, but that is another story, but here is the general layout of the crafting space.

The whole project started because I wanted to condense the space our homeschooling was taking place in, so that is on one side of the basement, and my crafts and Tiny's toys are on the other. Of course the maps still need to be moved, but that's for another day as well.

It is a bit tight, but as my lovely wheel only weighs 9 labs, it is very easy to move to some of the more open space when I want to spin, which I did a bit of down here last night.

Just as a funny aside, you see those three storage totes under the table... that's my fiber/yarn stash, well about 95% of it. My husband thinks I have too much. Of course I do still have four bags of fleeces...

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